Providing a fun and safe place for kids, families, and the wider Ukiah community.
Dining With The Stars
Benefit Dinner & Auction for the ARRC in support of free programs for kids and people with special needs in our community. Great food, beer
Saturday, January 18 · 5 - 11pm @ The ARRC.
For more info and to purchase tickets click the link below.

The ARRC is a multi-purpose community center used by nonprofits and other groups to offer programs for Ukiah's youth.

The ARRC Gym is open every Friday and Saturday Night from 5pm-9pm and every Sunday from 12-4pm. Come on by for some basketball, soccer, ping pong or games.
Organizations like the Boys and Girls Club of Ukiah, Blue Zones Mendocino County, and Ukiah's Parks and Recreation department use ARRC for their activities and operations.
With two public meeting rooms, a 9500 sq ft gym, indoor and outdoor play areas, a catering kitchen, and more, ARRC is the perfect location for your club meeting, outreach effort, or community event.

Kid today.
Leader tomorrow.
ARRC is passionate about our mission to provide a safe place for kids and adults to play and learn. Over 400 community members and entities came together to build this gym and multi-purpose building in Ukiah. Help us keep helping Ukiah's kids and families. Donate today.